Kev piav txog
Khoom siv: Nyom Cov tawv
Xibtes Liner: Paj Ntaub Wool Line
Cuff liner: Paj Ntaub Paj Ntaub
Qhov loj me: 36cm
Xim: Daj + Dub, Xim tuaj yeem kho tau
Daim Ntawv Thov: Kev tsim kho, vuam, barbecue, ci, hluav taws, hlau stamping
Feature: Txiav kev tiv thaiv, muaj kub tiv thaiv tshav kub, kom sov

Multi-function tawv hnab looj tes rau cov txiv neej thiab poj niam: hnab looj tes tsis yog tsuas yog tsim nyog rau vuam, tab sis kuj rau ntau lwm txoj haujlwm thiab cov haujlwm hauv tsev. Xws li foom dej, bbq, ci, qhov cub, ua haujlwm, ua noj, chaw pw, chaw pw, qhov cub, khoom siv tsiaj, cov khoom cub, pleev xim. Txawm tias ua haujlwm hauv chav ua noj, vaj, tom qab lossis sab nraud.
Extreme Heat Resistant and Wear Protection: Leather Welding/BBQ Gloves are guaranteed to withstand extreme temperatures up to 932°F(500℃). Txheej txheej txheem txheej txheem OTTERMOST: Cleuine Cowhide ob-txheej tawv; Sab hauv txheej: hlua nrog velvet paj rwb. Ua cov hnab looj tes zoo tshaj plaws rau cov khoom siv kub uas tau hlawv cov thee lossis ntoo thiab ua yeeb yam kub lossis ua noj kub.
Cov kev tiv thaiv zoo dua rau tes thiab caj npab: 14 "Cov tes looj tes zoo li cas ntawm kev hnav cov khib nyiab, cov co lauj kaub, cov nplaim taws thiab cov chav kub thiab chav kub. Txhawb tus ntiv tes xoo tsim muab cov kev tiv thaiv huab cua sov tshaj plaws los daws cov haujlwm txaus ntshai thiab tiv thaiv zoo dua koj ob txhais tes.
Thaum tshav kub kub Resistant nyuj Phrit tawv ntsuab vuam ...
Lub caij ntuj no ruaj ruaj plhuab thicken sov nthwv dej ntawm cov nyom lis ...
Kev Nyab Xeeb CFF tsis muaj cov roj acid roj pov thawj xiav nitril ...
Nyuj Tawv Hniav Nyiaj Hniav Kub Kub Kub Kub Resistant BBQ Hnab Looj Tes Ora ...
Xibtes txheej Grouping ginditivity ua haujlwm g ...
Nylon liner roj pov thawj txiav kev tiv thaiv tawm tsam microfoam n ...